Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ba’ba’s new science is for all

Upton Sinclair, an American political writer, once said: “It is difficult to make a man understand something if his salary depends on not understanding it”.. No doubt this illustrates one of the major problems with “modern” science. The result is that only those research projects attract massive funding which aim at confirming the existing theory of how the Universe works. This theory is called the “Standard Model”, and it is all about fundamental interactions among particles. Doing temple service for the Standard Model is how university careers are built, subsidy pots are cracked, mortgages can be paid and happy retirements are secured.

This explains for example how the “Large Hadron Collider (LHC)” near Geneva could be built, costing an estimated 300mln. Euro, excluding the actual experiments. Hadrons are the collective name for the nuclear particles, so the Hadron Collider is a particle accelerator.

So then, does the Standard Model of physics really explain how the Universe works? The
answer is: no, it falls short. Despite fantastic successes in many practical fields, some fundamental issues still remain unanswered. The consensus is that these questions will be solved by the unification of Quantum Physics and Gravitation. The result would then be called “The Grand Unified Theory”, and everybody would be happy. But Albert Einstein, after formulating his relativity theory, spent the rest of his life in vain searching for the answer, and to this day physics has not produced a Grand Unified Theory. The 300 mln.
Large Hadron Collider will not chance that.

It may thus become clear that, in terms of Ba’ba’s “Varna Cakra” – the Social Cycle, science as a whole has passed beyond its pure “Vipra” phase and is to a high degree controlled by Vaeshyan (commercial) motivations. This is one important reason for a structural lack of conceptual breakthroughs in physics lately.
But the scientific community is itself also in part responsible for this state of affairs. A fair assessment should acknowledge the reality of the social cycle, quite naturally shifting society from an intellectual, into the commercial era. But there is something else too: that is the way how we are doing science. There is a nice Latin term: “Modus Tollens”. This means: by way of proof, that is, knowledge based on observation. This is the proper way how science should be done. The other way is “Modus Ponens”, which means: by way of
theory. This means, looking for proofs which confirm your standard model. This is how science is mostly done today, and has also done since its very beginnings. For example Isaac Newton, the first physicist, when he studied the spectrum of light, for some reason had become obsessed with the idea that the spectrum should match the musical scale. One could say this was Newton’s “Standard Model”. Upon inspection this
appeared not quite the case. To solve his problem, Newton, rather than reviewing his Standard Model, simply invented a new colour, which he called “Indigo”. Now it comes out that “Indigo” does not fit in any logical system of primary and secondary colours, and many people do not even perceive “Indigo” as a distinct hue . Newton may not have been heavily funded in his days, today particle physicists are doing precisely the same. They massively invented numerical values, and use a so called “renormalisation procedure” which are put in by hand to make to make their measurements fit their Standard Model, but no-one has ever confirmed these by observation .

This way of doing science cannot altogether be attributed to the commercial era alone. It is also a question of mindset. Clearly, science has, like so many other occupations, in various ways evolved into an over-institutionalized ivory tower business beyond the naturally required qualifications. Whereas this is so far still a bit of an academic assessment, the far more important question is; what are the ramifications for society?
It seems to be at this point, that Ba’ba’ comes forward with a clear direction in His discourses on microvita theory: “Our task is gigantic and we are to start research work regarding these microvita immediately and without any further delay, otherwise many problems in modern society will not be solved in a nice way”. This can not be interpreted other than in a practical way. That means, that He give microvita science, including
microvita cosmology to find practical solutions for problems facing modern society. This  is not necessarily a spiritual or even psychological path in the first place. It is a path of practical science. It is about a way to tackle the grave environmental problems threatening the entire global ecosystem today, it is about health and medicine, nutrition, transport, communication, agriculture, information technology, bio-technology and many
others. For these problems there exists no more a spiritual ”solution” than there exists for preparing the soil to grow plants if you want to eat. So this is Ba’ba’s new science of the future.
In Ananda Marga, the subject of “microvita” has regularly been addressed the past years, mostly in a rather journalistic style, and mostly in terms of the effect of microvita on the mind, and against the background of traditional philosophy. This is an obvious first step, but the scope and importance are infinitely much broader.  This is Ba’ba’s subject of “microvita and cosmology”, shortly referred to as microvita cosmology. It will be demonstrated how Ba’ba’ came forward with a “Unified Field”-like solution, which can be explained in real scientific terms, reaching way beyond the “Standard Model vs. Gravity” quest of current physics. It is a new and universal science where life itself forms the cornerstone of all creation.

This new science of the future is unique while it should be developed (freely quoting Ba’ba’) not only in the physical lab (which often needs special skills and big funding) but also, and first of all in the laboratory of the mind. So, it can never be an academic or intellectual issue alone. It is a deeply intuitional science plus physics at the same time.

Einstein himself notably said (quote): "The only real valuable thing is intuition". Therefore, Ba’ba’s new science is there for all to explore, as per the adage of “Modus Tollens” – now extended to include the mind itself! It can therefore never be institutionalized, subjected to conservatism or in any way privatized. It is only your choose how deep you want to go, and to what degree you want to explore the real physics side of it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Despite its advent onto this earth many thousands of years ago, humanity is not yet capable of building a well -integrated and universal society. This is in no way indicative of the glory of human intellect and erudition. You who have understood the predicament, realized the urgency, seen the naked dance of evil and heard the hypocritical and raucous laughter of the divisive forces, should throw yourself into this noble task without further delay. When the ends are just noble, success is inevitable.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The concept of GOD and Satan is defective. If we accept the existence of Satan it means that there are two Gods, one GOD posite and one GOD negative ie. Satan. And that challenges the authority of the Supreme Counciousness --- that cannot be. So there is no Satan. Everywhere there is a rule of Supreme Conciousness; nowhere is the rule of Satan. Satan is the centrifugal force that drives an aspirant, a human being, away from the Supreme Nucleous.

Friday, December 10, 2010


The social philosophy of Ananda Marga advocates the development of the integrated personality of the individual and also the establishment of a world fraternity by inculcating a cosmic sentiment in human psychology. The Marga advocates progressive utilization of the mundane and supramundane factors of the cosmos. Society needs an impetus for life, vigor and progress and for this Ananada marga advocates “Progressive Utilization Theory” (PROUT) which calls for progressive utilization of all factors of the universe.
Ananda Marga philosophy is a subjective approach and an objective adjustment – the happy blending between objective world and subjective goal, you must maintain adjustment with the objective world. There is no other alternative. When the human society is enclosed in this supreme idea, in the very near future it will become more constructive, with proper planning. Humanity of the entire universe will unite, and we are anxiously waiting for that happy moment.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The idea of an artist is to be established in a transcendent realm, beyond the limits of the senses. So the artists, or more precisely, the worshippers of fine arts, have to be spiritual aspirants. Only those who look upon everything of the world as Spirit can realize in everything a subtle, blissful, Transcendental Entity. The greater the artist’ understanding of their kinship with God, the greater their art. Those who possess a creative faculty yet do not seek the subtle Transcendental Entity, cannot create a worthy or successful work of art.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The intelligent do not allow their mental purity to be stained even for the moment. To cleanse the mental sphere, force must be applied to remove the impurities, internal or external. This application of force must be a special type of action. When the impurity of selfishness enters every cavity of the mind and makes life a heavy burden, it has to be burned and melted in the fire of spiritual practices.
Such a practice is just the reverse of meanness and selfishness; it is the effort to remove any impurities, any black spots from the mind. A feeling of selflessness, of universalism is the only remedy for cleansing mental impurity. Those who are fascinated or tempted by an object can gradually rid themselves of the mental pollution arising from their selfish motives by adopting just the reverse course. Those who are very greedy for the money should form the habit of charity and serve humanity through that practice. Those who are very angry or egoistic ought to inculcate in themselves the habit of being polite, and should serve humanity through that practice. Therefore only selfless service to humanity and efforts to look upon the world with a cosmic outlook can establish one in mental purity.

Friday, December 3, 2010


It cannot be said that the ultimate aim of human life is not to commit theft; what is desirable is that the tendency to commit theft should be eliminated. The aim of life is not that one will not indulge in falsehood; what is important is that the tendency of telling a lie should be dispelled from one’s mind. The aim of such morality is the attainment of that state of oneness with God where no desire is left for theft and all tendencies of falsehood disappear.


People often say, “I follow neither a religion nor rituals; I abide by truth; I harm nobody and I tell no lies and this is all that is necessary. Nothing more need to be done or learned.” It should be clearly understood that morality is only an effort to lead a well-knit life. It is more correct to define morality as a dynamic force rather than a static one, because the balance in external spheres of life is only maintained by waging a pause-less war against all opposing forces. If the mind is pressured by an external allurement and there is intense mental disturbance, the force for internal struggle may yield; consequently the external equilibrium or the show of morality may at any moment break down. That is why morality is not the goal. Morality may disappear at any moment. It cannot be said that the moralist who has resisted the temptation of a bribe of two dollars would also be able to resist the temptation of an offer of two hundred thousand dollars. Nevertheless, morality is not absolutely valueless in a person’s life. Morality is an attribute of a good citizen and it is the starting point on the path of spiritual practice.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Morality is the base, spiritual practice is the means, and Divine Life is the goal.
Morality is the foundation of spiritual practices. It must, however, be remembered that morality or good conduct is not the culminating point of the spiritual march. As a moralist one may set an idea for other moralist, but this is not even worth mentioning for a spiritual aspirant. Spiritual practice in its very inception required mental equilibrium. This sort of mental harmony may also be termed morality.
Soon the day will come when the moralists of the world are united in their activities, well organized and courageous. That long awaited day is now not too distant and with its advent, the dawn of a glorious new era of progressive socialism will be just around the corner—human society will take its first deep breath of fresh air.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


In individual and collective life, obstacles are created by the force of ignorance (Avidya’). During the struggle against ignorance, if the feeling of the Supreme be kept in the mind constantly, continuously, then the ignorance will be overcome. There are different effects of this force of ignorance:

1) Lack of discrimination: When people are blinded by the desire for worldly objects and lose their discrimination, they forget the infinite and start busying themselves with the limited world. At that time they start thinking relative to be absolute and become confused. They start misutilizing their energy. They forget that nothing has come into this world forever. This greediness, this narrowness, this confusion of taking pain for pleasure, is nothing but the play of ignorance. For example, a dog takes a bone and chews on it. From his gums comes blood and, thinking that the blood is from the bone, he thinks the bone is more delicious and so he chews even harder—the more blood, the more he thinks he is getting pleasure.
If human beings think some created thing to be their own, it is nothing but ignorance. Someone thinks ‘my” money, “my” son, “my” house, etc.---they think they will become infinite by accumulating all these things. In actual fact one day everything will go far, far away from them. There will be nothing left which they can call their own. To remember this fact, to understand this effect of the force of ignorance correctly, they will have to do spiritual practices, otherwise they will be unable to escape from the grip of this dangerous force of ignorance.

2) Ego of doership: This means to take the entire responsibility of an action on oneself. Whatever one does with the help of motor organs, the action does not belong to the organs --- without the witnessing Soul, the entire energy of the organs will be nowhere. If the eyes of a dead man look at an elephant, still he will not see, because the action of seeing has not been witnessed by the Soul. But human beings, due to their ego, think that they are the doers and get confused. The spiritual aspirant will have to remember that the light of the Infinite is reflected on his or her mind---due to this, their organs are able to function.

3) Desire for worldly pleasure: Due to influence of the force of ignorance, people think that by eating something they will feel comfort, by wearing something they feel comfort, by acting in a certain way they will feel comfort. Through many different objects, they desire and hope for pleasure. Humans live to achieve Bliss and that is why they run after different objects. They do not want to understand that, except the infinite Supreme consciousness, no object can give them endless bliss.

4) Aversion: This is the opposite of attachment. Whenever people find an object painful, they try to substitute it with another. Many fights in the world are due to this cause.

5) Lack of determination: One day a man, knowing that drinking is a very bad habit, made a promise that he would stop drinking and live his life in a very self controlled manner. That day he also went, as he had been accustomed before, to the bar. With great determination, he passed the pub and then he told his mind, “Oh, mind, you are so great! I will now give you a good prize. I will drink up to the neck!”

Monday, November 29, 2010


The sweetest part of God’s play is that He is hidden in everyone and everyone is searching for Him. He wants His children to go around, and He plays hide-and-seek with them. This gives interest and pleasure to both the Creator and the Created. Thus all things are one. There is no distinction due to sex, age or anything. Male and female, young and old are all actors playing different roles in the drama of this universe. Their forms differ, but their substance and purpose is one. God is male, female, child, youth and old age.
God has His faces in all directions. No one can hide anything from Him. He sees both our internal and external actions. Do not hate those who are small. You have no right to hate anyone. Do not be afraid of nature either. The thunder and the roar of the oceans hide His sweet music within their apparently frightful sounds. Fear none and hate none. All are one.
This Universal Form of God, unity in all—you will be able to see in this very life. Strive on --- go on doing your meditation intensively, you will succeed.


Public education is one of the fundamental needs for a successful and smooth running democracy. In some places even people of education misutilize their voting rights. People cast their votes according to the dictates and persuasion of the pseudo-leadership. Is it not a frace in the name of democracy? Hence the spread of education and proper knowledge is essential. Education does not mean literacy alone. To my mind, education means proper and adequate knowledge and power of understanding. In other words, education is perfect knowledge of what I am and what I should do.
Morality is the second fundamental factor for the success of democracy. In the absence of morality, people sell their votes. There are a few countries in the world where votes are being sold and purchased. Can we call this democracy? Is it not a frace? Hence, until fifty-one present of population adheres strictly to the principles of morality, there is no chance of a successful democracy. Where immoral persons are in the majority, the leaders will necessarily be from and among them.

Friday, November 26, 2010


In meditation there must always be the feeling that you want to serve Him. If this is the feeling, immediately the mind gets concentrated. If in meditation there is the culmination of service, everything will be achieved. Even through the preliminary lessons of meditation (Nama Mantra), a spiritual aspirant get salvation, but even one practicing higher meditation (Vishesh Yoga) cannot attain it if there is no feeling for service, and meditation is done just for the sake of exhibition of one’s heroism. When internal service is not done properly, the external one also is not done properly; therefore it is said, “Liberation of self and service to humanity.” In “liberation of self” there is internal service; and in “service to humanity” there is external service. Both are needed. By external service the mind is purified and with the purified mind, internal service can be done by everyone.


When you are blessed with this human structure, be one hundred percent human. Even the greatest philosophers and thinkers, for instance, Tagore, used only 1% of their potential. You can develop your entire potential through spiritual practice. You should use all your capacities--physical, intellectual, and spiritual. You must convert physical energy to intellectual energy and this into spiritual energy. Intellectual energy is more powerful than physical energy, and spiritual energy is most powerful. Today it is the intellectuals who are misguiding the society because they haven't developed spirituality. All the world's problems are caused by this--intellectual extravaganza.
Behind all the strife, cruelty and mistrust within humanity, there is misguided intellect. That is, intellect is not moving on the right path—it is not connected to the collective welfare. Until changes are effected in the human mind, no permanent world solution is possible.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Another form of injustice in society is discrimination of sex. Instances of one sex of humanity being considered inferior to the other are very common. Women in a considerable area of this world are considered as the private property of men, meant for their pleasure only. In many other so called advanced countries of this world, women do not have the right to vote in the general elections of the government of the country.
In other countries, women are considered unfit for taking part in spiritual practices. In our Ananda Marga, both men and women have equal responsibility. In the manner prescribed for marriage in our Marga, both the boy and girl have to take equal responsibility. Women and men are considered on the same footing, and there is no question of men considering themselves superior to women.


What is tantra?
The process of transforming animality or latent divinity into the Supreme Divinity is known as Tantra. The spiritual practice which liberates the aspirant from dullness or animality and expands one's self is Trantric practice (sad'hana'a). So, there cannot be any spiritual practice without Tantra. Spiritual practice means a practice for expansion, and this expansion is nothing but liberation from the bondage of all sorts of dullness. Irrespective of caste, creed or religion, one who aspires for spiritual expansion, or does something concrete, is a Tantrika. Tantra in itself is neither a religion nor an "ism". It is the fundamental spiritual science.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The ills perpetrated in society are in a great measure created by the exploiters themselves. To swell their bank balance the exploiters create an artificial scarcity of food, clothes and other necessary consumer goods, and loot profits in the black market. Those who have no buying capacity for high priced food and clothes take to stealing and other shady methods in order to meet their bare necessities. These ill-fed, ill-clad flocks of poor wretched work for these greedy black marketers and smugglers when apprehended, it is they who are penalized-- the rich escape on the strength of their influence. Throwing their conscience to the four winds, these poor wretched take to sin and crime still more desperately. The society accuses these sinners and criminals, while the rich exploiters enact the roles of popular leaders, wear garlands, let loose a firework of speeches and exhort the masses with a clarion call to make more sacrifices.

Friday, November 19, 2010


We should not forget even for a moment that this whole animate world is a large family in which nature has not assigned any property to any particular individual. Individual ownership has been created by selfish opportunists so that they might take advantage of the defects of this system in order to grow fatter in a parasitic way. When the whole property of this universe has been inherited by all creatures, how then can there be any justification for a system in which someone receives a flow of huge excess, while others die for lack of a handful of grain?

The aspiration to become rich by exploiting others is a sort of mental malady. In fact, if the eternal hunger of the human soul does not find the real path leading to mental and spiritual wealth, it becomes engaged in the work of depriving others of their rights; it robs them of their material resources. If any member of a family seizes food from a store by application of mental or physical force, he certainly becomes the cause of misery to others. Similar is the case when a capitalist says, “We have seized wealth by intelligence and labor. If others have mental and physical potentialities they may also do it. Who objects to it?’ They do not want to realize that the volume of commodities is limited whereas requirements are common to all. In most spheres, abundance for one individual takes the bread out of the mouths of others. It is a mental ailment not to understand this common necessity.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Society is like a company of pedestrians going on a pilgrimage. Suppose one among them is attacked by cholera, do the rest go on their way, leaving him behind? No, they cannot. Rather, they break their journey at the place for a day or two. Relieve him from the disease and help him to acquire strength in his legs. Or, they start out anew, carrying him on their shoulders. If anyone runs short of his subsistence, others give him their own. Together, they stream ahead, singing their leading chorus. In their eagerness to go ahead with others, they forget their trifling differences which in their families might have led to negative exchanges and court cases, even down to three generations.
The essence of cooperation born of moving together, aims at widening or expanding the mental being of a person by striking down one’s barriers of meanness again and again. And hence, I reiterate that society is like such a batch of pilgrims gathering a strange power of mind in traveling together and with its help, solving all the problems of their individual and social life.
Lack of unity among the members of society, because of too much self-interest in the individual members, formation of sects for economic or social advantages, lack of understanding of others, not only brings the downfall of society, but also will wipe it completely from the face of the earth. Instances of so many sects and empires disappearing altogether are not rare in the history of this world.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Today you have to create the Great Universe, and the guiding principle behind it will be that all humans are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor, God. Thus all are His children, all should live together---all will have to live together. Black or White, literate or illiterate, small or tall, all are the children of the same Father and all will have to live together. There will be unity in the physical realm and also in the psychic and spiritual realms.
But to strengthen this unity still further, there should be a common goal for all the children of the Supreme Father – the merger of all in Him. All have come from Him, are in Him, and will merge in Him, therefore all people will have to live together. For you, unity is the natural course, and division is unnatural. You well know that the Cosmic energy will not long tolerate what is unnatural.
So it is natural for human beings to live together and to make a Great Universe. By not doing so, by mutual fight, all will be destroyed. This is the law of universe (Prakriti). Thus you have to remain united; you must create the Great Universe as soon as possible. There will be peace and happiness in the universe, and with one indivisible ideology, humanity will march ahead. Victory be with you!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Superstitions of any kind---social, psychic or spiritual—influence the mind to such an extent that the mind, due to its anxiety, leads a person into harmful actions. Spiritual superstitions of hell and heaven and fear of God make people lose their mental balance. In our A’nanda M’arga, spiritual practices are scientific and systematic and based on rationality. Fear and superstition have no part in it.
Heaven is the state of mind of a person engaged in virtuous acts, and a sinner’s mind, racing about in wild frenzy, is hell.
Satan does not have the attributes of the Absolute; he is nothing but the human mind propelled by depraving tendencies. If these tendencies are diverted properly, they no longer exist. It is within your power to kill that Satan.
There are many who resort to rituals, offer sacrifices, seek the advice of astrologers and try to mitigate what they believe to be the evil influence of the planets on their destiny, or wear various kinds of stones for that purpose. Such persons are blinded by ignorance and superstition. Their belief is fallacious because no agency, human or extra-human, can change the laws of nature and stop the course of action and reaction.
Prayer is also a mockery of the Ultimate Being or God. Prayer is a solemn petition addressed to the Supreme Being for certain benefits. On rational thinking, does not one’s attempt to rouse the wish of God to fulfill one’s need appear to be a reminder to God to give one something which God had deprived one of? This, in fact, casts aspersion on Him and His law and His sense of distribution of His gifts and blessings. It is an insinuation, asking Him to reverse His law, to stop the process of reaction to one’s action, which must have kept one deprived of what one now wants. God’s law is unchangeable and praying to Him to change it, is a waste of one’s time.
Hymns in praise of God fall in the same category. They are equally ineffective and are a mere waste of time. Eulogy of God is tantamount to flattery, and prayer to begging.
Devotion to God falls in a different category altogether. It is contemplation of the omnipresent Cosmic Consciousness, and helps the devotee in the attainment of libration from bondage and merger with the Ultimate Reality. The purpose of devotion is to condition the mind to think that it is subtle and not crude, that it is a reflection of the Cosmic Consciousness. Those who have read psychoanalysis and understand the efficacy of auto-suggestion will appreciate the inner motivation and efficacy of contemplation. The true devotees do not flatter the Supreme Being; they do not ask for any favors. The devotees’ tendency is merely to remind their minds of the ultimate goal so that their whole body, mind and soul strive for emancipation from the degrading influence which surrounds them.


There are three categories of people: lower, middle and highest. The lower categories of people are those who do not undertake any work. They think that they are ordinary people and cannot do any work. They are always afraid of the probable obstacles they might encounter in their work, so they do not undertake any work.
The middle categories of people are those who undertake some work but throw up their hands when any problem crops up. They presume that any obstacle comes in their way is a Himalayan obstacle, and hence they give up their work. They think they will not able to tackle the problem they face. They are not confident of their abilities.
The highest categories of people are those who take up a task and are determined to fulfill it. They go on struggling against all odds till they achieve their goal. No problem can defy solution. No difficulty can be greater than their capacity to solve it. They go on fighting against all obstacles. They can face any challenge and meet any predicament. They are determined to achieve their objective, come what may.
I want you to be a person of the highest category. You must always think of the goal. Always look to your idea. By spiritual ideation you can get inspiration to adhere to your principles.

Friday, November 12, 2010


What is sa’dhan’a (spiritual practice)? Sa’dhan’a means an effort. Effort for what? It is an endless effort to become one with the Supreme Nucleus. It is a ceaseless effort to obtain perfection from imperfection. Now, no movement in this universe is possible without encountering opposition. Wherever there is movement, there is opposition also. The result of struggle against this opposition is termed progress. The more one desires to proceed vigorously to the goal, the more one is to struggle against the opposition. Thus those who are adverse to struggle can never progress. They lag far behind, what to speak of progress. That’s why struggle is the essence of life. Those who abhor struggle, who misconstrue struggle as violence, have no place in the world.
One who wants to attain the goal must not be too concerned with obstacles on the way. If one thinks of the obstacle, they will themselves become the goal and not the Supreme. That is why, in the field of spiritual sa’dhan’a, one must always think of the Supreme, not anything else. While thinking of this goal, if some opposite feeling comes in the mind of the aspirant, s/he should not think of this. “From where are the obstacles coming?” This should not be the topic of discussion. “What we have to reach”---this should be the topic of discussion.
To establish the heavenly kingdom in this world, those with tireless cosmic ideation have to fight within themselves the devil of their own weaknesses and defects. But remember this “devil” is not your goal, so you are not to think of it. Whatever the obstacle in this march to the Great---there will be no compromise with it. That is why I say, this is the path of bravery, this is not the path of crudeness---and there is no place in it for cowardice. The aspirant will have to go on fighting endlessly, without pause.
Difficulties can never be greater than your capacity to solve them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The highest treasure of human beings, distinct from other creatures, is their intellectual superiority. Had there been no intelligence in humans, they would hardly be different from other animals. This philosophical consciousness will lead humanity to greater intellectuality. And this constant pursuit of intellectuality leads one to its further limit, where intuition beings. Hence in the realm of intuitional practice it is tremendously helpful. This path of spiritual practice is not devoid of intellect or intuition, rather it is based on intuition. It has no scope for superstition or blind faith. It will facilitate the most all-round progress of humanity and manifest the highest human excellence.
In the human world it is not physical strength but intellectual power that is victorious. The physical strength of elephant is very great, but a small man goads him with his intellectual power. It is happening in every field of the world.  So when human beings entered the inner world, they found that their real wealth lay in increasing their psychic strength. And gradually, as their psychic strength increased, it came slowly into contact with spirituality. They found that behind their psychic power there was another power also working, due to which they attained psychic strength. Then human beings invented spiritual practices.
They realized that the Supreme Consciousness is everything.  Then the idea occurred in their minds, What a great deal of intellect He must possess, from whom they derived their intellect! So for evolution in the psychic level, they should think about Him----ideation on Him would increase their intellect.  Then the Supreme Consciousness became the object of their minds. Unlike the animals, their minds started ideating upon the Supreme Consciousness.
When intuition is developed, you become one with the Supreme Consciousness; you become omniscient, all –knowing----even you do not require any physical body. You need not go through so many books—the universe is within you, you are all knowing. You will know the history of Spain without going through books. When your existence comes in close proximity to the existence of the Supreme Consciousness, when both the nuclei coincide, you get what you want, and that is called Salvation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars, guides you too.
He appears to you according to your feelings towards Him. If you are subtle, He is nearest to you; if you are crude, He is farthest from you.  Do you feel the Supreme Consciousness is in India or in America? He is so near as to be in your feelings, and so far as to be in a distant country. When you think He is here, He is nearer than here. He is so near that it is difficult to measure the distance. You go on searching for Him in the caves of Himalayas and wander here and there, and he is nowhere. But when you attain awareness of Him, you find that He was all along with you in your search. He was seated in your heart.
He is the witness of all the worlds, all the deeds done in this universe. Nothing is secret for Him. You cannot do anything nor think anything without being witnessed by Him.  If anybody says, “I am not being witnesses by anybody,” he will be witnessing this utterance. So as a witnessing entity He is always with you. This is the greatest assurance, because when you know that He is with you, your mental strength will be increased a thousand-fold, because He is always with you to help you. The only demerit is that as He is always with you, you cannot do anything secretly, you will be caught red-handed. But the merit is that because He is with you, you are never alone, you are never weak, and you are never helpless. So the duty of a perfect human being, the duty of a spiritual aspirant is always to remember this supreme truth----that one is never alone, one is always with Supreme Father. He will always help you, and He will always accelerate the speed of your progress.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


You know, when you exchange a thing for a thing, when it is mutual, it is known as business. But when you give but do not take in return, it is termed as service.  This is the fundamental difference between service and business. In many newspapers you will notice advertisements stating that a particular company has been rendering service to the people from a such and such year. This is the wrong statement----it is not service, it is business.
When the entire Cosmos is of God, is His offspring, serving them means serving the Supreme. Wherever you are, as s house holder or as a renunciate, you must render service to all created beings with the ideation of Supreme on all the individual entities. Guarding yourself against egoism you must think in your mind that taking a particular shape the Supreme has given you this chance to serve Him. It is to His credit that in the form of diseased, a helpless person, or a beggar, He is accepting service and making you grateful. Had He not come in this form, you would not have been blessed with this good fortune.


In short, whatever was created in the past is the original creation (sambhu’ti) of God. The sum total of all creations is the Cosmic Order (Brahmanda). This includes the sun as well as the small ant which crawls on the earth. Whether it is a dead star or living star, whether it is a nebula or a milky way or a galaxy----all belongs to one universal family. The Milky Way is vast from one end to the other; an ant is a very small creature, but the role of both of them in maintaining the balance of the universe is equal. If one ant meets a premature death, it will disturb the balance of the entire cosmos. Therefore, nothing here is unimportant, not even an ant. Suppose, an ant is sitting on the edge of a rock and it moves even one inch from east to west. And this disturbs the balance of the rock, it may cause a big earthquake---because after all, the ant is also His original creation.

Monday, November 8, 2010


There are three categories of human beings. The first category comprises those whose thoughts, words and deeds are the same---which means whatever they think, they speak, and whatever they speak, they do. Such peoples are A-class people.
The second category comprise those whose thoughts and words are different, but whatever they speak, they do---which means they think one thing and speak another, but they do whatever they speak. Such people are B-class people.
The third category comprises those whose thoughts, words and deeds are different from each other and never the same. Such people think one thing, speak another, and do something altogether different. Such peoples are C-class people. Most of the leaders of the present-day world fall into this category. You should try to become A-class people. You should speak what you think, and you should do what you speak.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Spritual practise is the conversion of the small object into that infinite object. Now you think that " This small body, this unit counciousness, is mine." But when you think "that vast universal body is mine", then you are Supreme. When this individual body and mind is yours, you know all the secrets of this individual body and mind. and when this vast cosmos is your object, you'll know everything of this cosmos, you'll know everything of this infinite space. So your spritual practice is conversion-conversion of small into big.
  This process of conversion makes a person universal. One's very existence goes beyond the scope of time, place and person. At that time, one becomes omnipotent and also omniscient. One knows everything without going through any book. when an individual wants to acquire any knowledge, one will have to go through practical experinces, books etc. For the individual, there are so many worries and anxieties, so much optimism and pessimism, so many clashes and cohesions: but in the case of the Supreme there is no complex, no optimism, no pessimism; there is no question of clashes or cohesions, because in the case of Cosmic, everything is internal----nothing is external. Everything is within and nothing is without. The entire universe is in the range of His mind, so there remains no second entity, no second individual. thus the question of any clash doesn't rise.
  If one wants to attain peace, what is one to do? One is to convert one's small objectivity into the infinite objectivity. There is no ther alternative. Simply teaching the gospels of peace won't give you any peace. You have to convert yourself from small  into big. Spritual practise is the practise of increasing one's own psychic radius. When it becomes bigger and bigger, the range of mind is bigger. And when in this way the radius becomes infinite, the aspirant becone one with the Supreme. This becoming one with the Supreme, the Supreme Union, is called Salvation or emancipation---liberation of permanent nature.  Each and every spritual  aspirant should know this and attain liberation.


In simple terms, what we have to do is to return home from where we came. We have all come from the Supreme Entity, the Nucleus of the universe. We have to return to the same destination. The child has played throughout the day away in the fields, and now that evening has come, he returns home. He thinks that his father must have returned home: "Let me return home and sit near him." When one is tired of this world and worldiness, one yearns to go back to sprituality----one's home. And what is our permanent adobe, our home? the Supreme Conciousness. Spritual practice (sadhana), therefore, is the process of returning home. It is a simple task. It requires no scholarship, no knowledge, no intellectual faculty, no long tedious lecturing.


You know, there is nothing disorderly in this Universe. Everything moves according to certain rules. In this solar system of ours, the sun is the nucleus, and so many planets are moving around the sun. In this ethereal system, the earth is the nucleus and the moon is moving around it. Similarly in the atomic system also there is the nucleus and electrons move around the nucleus. In our cosmological order the Supreme Consciousness is the nucleus and so many animate and inanimate objects are moving around Him, knowingly or unknowingly. Human beings move knowingly and other animals, other less developed living beings, and also the inanimate objects----even some human beings---move unknowingly, unconsciously The radius of those who move unknowingly remains unchanged, or even, due to their mean propensities, their radius may increase. But spiritual aspirants always try to lessen the length of their radius. They come closer and closer to the Supreme, and when they come to the nearest proximity, they become one with the Nucleus, and that is the stage of Salvation.
Now so many entities, so many individuals are moving around Him; they have so many physical structures--------long, short, white, black, learned, illiterate-----but the common goal is the Nucleus, the Supreme Consciousness. There should be no shyness, no hatred, no complex in human beings because the Nucleus is the bigger “I” of everybody ---- that Nucleus is the Supreme Progenitor of all.


Life is a movement from imperfection to perfection. When inanimate objects become animate there is progress. There is further progress when animate beings become multicellular metazoic organisms, more and more complicated structures. The human being is the highest being, the being most perfact in structure. The human being is thus perfected animal. But this is the begining of progress for humanity. Human still have to achieve further physical, intellectual and spritual perfection. Movement towards perfection----GOD----- is a human's true nature (dharma). Movement towards imperfection is against one's true nature (adharma). The former is life, the latter is death. Human movement towards animality is therefore not life, it is death.
No movement is, free from friction or obstacles. Even when you walk, the force of gravity obstructs you. Movement towards perfection is obstructed by all the forces of imperfection, of evil. The sinful, the crude, the narrow, obstruct all movement for the expansion of the human mind. But perfection being a GOD-ward movement, do not be afraid---move on. Obstacles will go down the drain, where they belong. You will progress.
The mission of human life is to move towards perfection, towards GOD. This is one's duty. In this struggle the forces of evil are bound to be defeated. This has been the case all along, and history will repeat itself. You have no right to rest until you have fulfilled your mission of being perfect, of being divine, of establishing yourself in perfection. Rest is sin as it puts a stop to this movement. So not rest untill you have reached your goal.


Those who perform sa'dhan'a (meditation) twice a day regularly, the thought of Parama-purus'a (the Supreme Consciousness) will certainly arise in their minds at the time of death; their liberation is a sure guarantee. Therefore every A'nanda Margii will have to perform sa'dhana twice a day invariably-verily is this the command of the Loard. Without Yama and Niyama (morality), sa'dhana is an impossibility; hence the Loard's command is also to follow Yama and Niyama. Disobidience to this command is nothing but to throw oneself into the tortures of animal life for crores of years. That no one should undergo torments such as these, that everyone might be enabled to enjoy the eternal blessedness under the loving shelter of the Loard, it is the bounden duty of every A'nanda Ma'rgii to endeavour to bring all to the path of bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of sa'dhana to lead others along the path of righteousness.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The proper use of things varies according to time, place and person. One must be progressive in the practical use of every object, every idea. Through progressive scientific research we have to make increasingly greater use of human potentials. In an era of advanced science, the use of tools and apparatus from a less developed era is by no means a sign of progress. The use of developed tools and materials, evolved through dynamic and progressive imagination, may create small or large obstacles in the way of society; you will have to face them courageously. Through fight and clash you have to march on to victory, to the path of vindication of universalism, the cherished goal of your life.
Today some people claims that science is the root of all evils and that frequent new scientific discoveries and inventions have been creating quarrels and dissensions in human society, thereby pushing the whole human civilization along the path of destruction. It is evident that those who criticize science, in reality want to turn the onward current of life backward. This is wholly inimical to progress. Such an endeavor is indicative of a negative mentality.
If science remains completely in the hands of materialists, the consequence will be hopelessness and despair. If conflicts among different classes go on unabated, people will eventually realize that only sadvipras can be the leader of society. The majority of individual as well as social problems can be solved by sadvipras through the proper cultivation of science.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The first cause of sin is: shortage of physical and physic resources. If there is lack of physical necessities, people are not able to follow the higher pursuits of life. A person's determination is easily disturbed; with a little anger even an intellectual utters crude words. Hence due to shortage of physical wealth, people become restless, lose their discrimination, and become brutal.  Likewise, if there is a dearth of intellectual resources and the intellectual standard of the people is not high, they may confuse do's and don'ts. An example is a riot in which an innocent little boy is killed. The one who encourages the riot becomes the people's leader. Because the intellectual standard of the people is low, they commit blunders prompted by these leaders and become beasts. In those countries which are backward or where the socio-politico-economic conciousness is less, immoral, political pigs in the form of leaders misguide the people to collect votes. I say, they are political satans, political pigs. There, shortage of physical and intellectual wealth causes people to become beasts and commit sins and crimes. this is comman in entire world except for a few well-off countries.

The second cause is non-utilization of over-accumulated physical and psychic resourses. It is a mental disease to accumulate money. Those who accumulate it do not do so in order to fulfill their needs. Human needs are few, including food, shelter and clothing. For instance, if a person has a fruit grove which yields 500 mangoes and there are only five family members, what will be done with so many mangoes? There is very little chance of utilization in the case of over-accumulation. Where there is over-accumulation, human beings will tend to misutilize wealth by indulging in baser tendencies.

The third cause is stagnancy. This is the greatest burden, the greatest disease of the human society. This sort of stagnancy is sucidal, for the sign of life is dynamism. To solve this cause of sin, an intellectual approach does not work. Dogmatic and traditional people do not listen to reason. They have to be struk. The striking has to done with a hammer. Sweet gospels will not do. They must be hit not with a hammer but with a sledge hammer. Because of the unnecessary presence of stagnant individuals, the speed of others will be retarted. Stagnant peoplecommit suicide and become the cause of death for others. Humanity wants to move ahead and these stagnant people blockits way and obstruct its movement. People will not torelate these obstructions.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Nationalism is the fast becoming outdated. Not only has the national sentiment given humanity rude shocks in the world wars of this century, but the social and cultural blending of the present age also shows the growing domination of cosmopolitanism in world affairs. Vested interests, however, continue to cause certain divisive tendencies. Despite these obstacles, a social blending of humanity is in progress and needs a common constitutional structure to cement the solidarity of the world.
A world government is also essential to excercise effective control in certain spheres. For example, there should be only one world military force. The world government should from certain autonomous units (not necessarily national) to deal with problems such as education, food supply and flood control. The boundaries of these units may be readjusted to reflect the development of more sophisticated communication techniques. Such development brings the parts of the world nearner and the world therefore grows smaller.


As long as you exist, you have to perform service. The moment you stop, you will fall into an abyss. You should not do this. It is your nature to carry yourself from narrowness to vastness, from greatness to divinity. It is against your nature to allow yourself to fall into an abyss. You long for eternal bliss, you endeavour for eternal life, and you are fused with that very unending life in the circulation of your blood and the rythmic vibrations of the contractions of your heart. You have been listening day and night to the voice of eternal youth. In the state of Supreme Attainment and Supreme Realization, you will be infused with boundless knowledge. O human beings! be established in the radiance of godliness, in manliness, because yours is a path of a revolution. Yours is not a path of extra caution and hesitant movement. You are travelers on a difficult path. You have to march ahead, with head held high and with your chest forward. You have not a moment to stagger or look behind.

O human beings! You are fortunate. the clarion call of the Universal has reached you. That very call is viberating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie inert in the corner of your house? Will you now waste your time by cluthing ancient skeletons to your breast and moaning over them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speech of the lightning, in the meteor's flaming fires. Nothing will come of remaining idle. Get up and awaken the clouded chivalry of your domant youth. The path may not be strewn with flowers---an inferiority complex may seek to hold back your advancing footstep, but even then you have to proceed onward, tearing the shroud of darkness. You will soon rend the thick darkness of despair on the way to the attainment of Supreme State, and advance onwards in the swift-moving chariot, radiant with the sun's brillance.


Now what is devotion? Leaving all the relative things, when mind moves towards the Absolute, that alone is known as Devotion. When the mind moves towards the Supreme Soul, the nearer it comes to Him, there is an unknowing change in it. The caterpillar does not know when it becomes a butterfly. the mind does not know how change occur in it. Thus one day it sees that it is no longer an individual being and hence the individualistic feeling disappears. When the mind is free from individualistic feeling, that alone is the Supreme State.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Train yourself in the idea of the lily, which blossoms in the mud and has to keep itself engaged in the struggle day in and day out, parrying, bracing and fighting the shocks of muddy water and stroms and squalls and sundry other vicissitudes of fortune, and yet it does not forget the moon above. It keeps its love for the moon constantly alive. It seems, however, but a most ordinary flower. There is nothing extra-ordinary about it. Still this most ordinary flower has a romantic tie with the great moon. Similarly, you may be an ordinary creature----you may have to pass your days in the ups and down of your worldly existense----still do not forgot the Supreme one. Keep all your desires inclined towards Him. Always keep yourselves merged in His thought. Go deep into the mood of infinite Love.


Sadvipras are those whose all efforts are directed towards the attainment of  Bliss. They are strong in morality and always ready to wage war against immoral activities. Those who strictly adhere to the principles of morality, are ensconced in sacrificing service (Tapah) and are ready to wage war aginst immoralists are sadvipras. Only those sadvipras are safe from destrution and extinction who can work for the welfare of human society. Therefore it becomes the prime duty of everyone to make themselves and others sadvipras.