Friday, December 3, 2010


People often say, “I follow neither a religion nor rituals; I abide by truth; I harm nobody and I tell no lies and this is all that is necessary. Nothing more need to be done or learned.” It should be clearly understood that morality is only an effort to lead a well-knit life. It is more correct to define morality as a dynamic force rather than a static one, because the balance in external spheres of life is only maintained by waging a pause-less war against all opposing forces. If the mind is pressured by an external allurement and there is intense mental disturbance, the force for internal struggle may yield; consequently the external equilibrium or the show of morality may at any moment break down. That is why morality is not the goal. Morality may disappear at any moment. It cannot be said that the moralist who has resisted the temptation of a bribe of two dollars would also be able to resist the temptation of an offer of two hundred thousand dollars. Nevertheless, morality is not absolutely valueless in a person’s life. Morality is an attribute of a good citizen and it is the starting point on the path of spiritual practice.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely true.
    keep up the good work Hemant.
    baba nama kevalama.
