From th inanimate to the animate goes the process of evolution. Consider a piece of stone for instance. It has niether the power of action not the sensation of mind . What is the reason? It is because hithero ther has been no manifestation of mind in the stone at all. Consider the trees and plants that are more animate than the stone. There is activity in them. They grow, draw the vital juice from the earth, maintain their species by creating seeds in their own bodies, and enjoy and suffer pleasure and pain when taken care of or hurt. We see in them the mainifestation of counciousness, for mind has awakened in them. thus progressing on the path of mental development, we see in humanity its greatest manifestation. Just as evolution take place from subtle to crude, similarly the unit entity reverts step by step from the crude to the subtle, towards the same Absolute Counsciousness from whence it came. It is just like the waves of the sea, rippling back from whence they have come.
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